Murphy marches out to the ring, his hair dripping wet. He climbs in and flips it backward flinging drops of water behind him. In the corner, Mitchel stands adjusting his trunks, trying to hide the semi-boner that popped up upon Murphy's arrival.
The bell rings and the two men square off. They circle around and lock up, Murphy quickly sneaks behind Mitchel, with his hands around his waist. But before he can lift the pornstar up, Mitchel hits him in the head with a back elbow, shaking him off of him. Mitchel quickly turns around and runs at Murphy hitting him with a spear, taking him off his feet. The pornstar hurries up to cover him, hoping the shock of his attack is enough to put him away, but Murphy kicks out after one, insulted by the quick pin.
Both men get back to their feet and trade blows. Mitchel hits Murphy so hard he stumbles back into the ropes. The pornstar grabs him by the head and takes him to the turnbuckles and slams his head into the top turnbuckle: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten times. He takes a step back and then kicks Murphy in the chest, sending him down on his ass. Mitchel takes a few steps back and then runs at him hitting a bronco buster, slamming his bubbly ass on Murphy's gigantic chest. Murphy chokes, the air taken out of him. The pornstar grabs him to his feet and whips him across to the opposite corner, but Murphy reverses it send him there. The wrestler comes in with a running knee to the chest. Murphy then hops on the turnbuckle and starts delivering a series of blows to Mitchel. The pornstar grabs Murphy by the legs and throws him off him with a powerbomb. He holds the wrestler down for a pin, but Murphy punches out after one.
Murphy takes a minute to stand up, but Mitchel is ready for him with a leg sweep that takes him back down. As Murphy stands up again, Mitchel runs off the ropes and comes with a knee to his face. Mitchel then runs to the ropes and leaps off the middle rope, connecting with a moonsault. He lands on top of Murphy and hooks a leg for the pin.
One. Two.
Murphy punches out with force. Both the men take a minute to get back up, but Mitchel is on his feet first and comes at the wrestler with a clothesline. Murphy gets back to his feet and is hit with another clothesline. He gets back up and ducks a third clothesline but Mitchel rebounds off the ropes and comes back with a flying elbow, taking Murphy down again. Murphy gets on his knee as Mitchel runs to the ropes again, as he comes at Murphy, Murphy takes him by the back of the head and throws him over the ropes, but the pornstar lands on the apron. As Murphy turns around Mitchel hits a shoulder thrust into the gut and then leaps over the rope and Murphy and runs to the opposite side of the ring, bouncing off the ropes but Murphy is ready for him and grabs him in a belly to belly suplex, slamming the pornstar down.
Murphy is the first to his feet and he kicks at Mitchel as he tries standing up. Murphy finally lends him a hand, getting him to his feet and then hoists him up with a brainbuster. Mitchel lands sprawled out on the ring and Murphy hooks the leg for the cover.
One. Two.
Mitchel finds enough energy to punch out in time. Murphy gets him back on his feet and then whips him into the corner turnbuckles hard. With Mitchel in the corner Murphy marches toward him ready to strike him again, but the pornstar sticks his arm up to block it and counters with a punch of his own. Murphy staggers back as Mitchel pounds him again. Murphy shoves Mitchel back into the corner and charges at him, but the pornstar swings his legs up giving him a nice boot to the kisser. Mitchel goes up on to the second turnbuckle and waits for Murphy to turn back to face him and then leaps with a crossbody, splashing down on him, staying on top for the pin.
One. Two.
Murphy punches out.
Mitchel picks Murphy up and whips him into the ropes. Murphy rebounds and sees Mitchel bent over early, and grabs him by the head and slams him down into the ring, face first. Murphy goes to the corner, but Mitchel is quick after him. Murphy knees him the face to back off and then leaps off the second turnbuckle with a dropkick that sends Mitchell to the opposite corner. Murphy runs at him and hits a big bodysplash that has their bodies smack together so loud it echoes in the arena. Mitchel falls down on his ass. Murphy comes at him with a running kick but Mitchel moves out of the way and Murphy runs straight into the ropes. Mitchel gets up behind him and lifts the wrestler up and throws him out of the ring. Murphy lands on the mats in pain as Mitchel climbs out after him.
He grabs at Murphy, but Murphy comes in with a punch. Mitchel blocks it and headbutts the wrestler. He then grabs Murphy by the wrist and whips him into the barricade. Murphy screams in pain as he rubs his back to try and soothe it. Mitchel enjoys having the advantage and doesn't let up, picking up Murphy and running him into the barricade again, then the side of the ring. With Murphy exposed, he slaps him hard across the chest, leaving a red mark. He goes for another backhand, but Murphy catches his wrist and shoves him away. Murphy grabs the pornstar from behind and lifts him up for a belly to back suplex into the apron. Mitchel hobbles away but Murphy grabs him and throws him back into the ring.
Murphy slides back in just as Mitchel sits up. He comes at the pornstar with a knee to the back, followed by two kicks. He goes again, but Mitchel spins around and pulls him down, rolling him up for a pin.
One. Two.
Murphy kicks out at the last second. Mitchel hops back up, adrenaline pumping, but Murphy comes at him with a jumping knee. Mitchel staggers back and Murphy grabs him with a pumphandle position and then hits Murphy's Law on him. Mitchel hits the ring hard, making it shake and Murphy slides on top of him, hooking the leg as he counts out, "One, Two, Three."
The bell rings and Murphy stands back up, kicking Mitchel away from him.

Murphy was on a high. Not just from winning his match, but because of what was to come after. He made his way to the secret backstage area that Rollins showed him. Dimly lit and tucked away from everyone else, you could yell and no one would hear a thing. And boy, has Murphy yelled in that room.
Still sweating from his match, Murphy walks in and admires the sling hanging. Murphy grabs the chain, thinking of all the times he laid forward in the sling and had Rollins pound his ass into oblivion. Or the times he laid on his back and could stare at the veteran wrestler fuck the cum out of him. Fuck, he was getting hard just thinking about it. But tonight, tonight was going to be Murphy's turn to top Rollins.
Murphy turns around and his greeted by a kiss from his long haired partner. "Sorry to keep you waiting..."
Murphy chuckled. If only he knew how long he'd been waiting to have a piece of that ass. Murphy kisses him back, his hands cupping Rollin's ass through his tight black pants.
"Somebody's excited," Rollins smirks.
"You know how you excite me," Murphy replies, nipping at Rollins' bottom lip.
"Yes, you've been a very good boy," Rollins says fiddling with the lace on Murphy's pants. "I think you earned this moment."
Rollins bends down and loosens up the lace on Murphy's pants with his mouth, his lips dangerously close to his crotch. He then slides his pants down revealing Murphy's hard cock. "Very excited," Rollins observes.
Rollins gives it a slow suck, almost taunting Murphy with the foreplay. Murphy pulls him back up, "You can see I'm already to go."
Rollins nods and stares at Murphy as he slips his pants off, revealing his semi-hard cock. Without taking his eyes off Murphy's he reclines into the sling, ready to go. Murphy flips his hair back and spits on his cock. He strokes the salvia in, mixing it with the precum. He bends down and spits into Rollins's crack, watching it drip down. That should be good enough for lube. He taps his head up against Rollins's hole and then slowly pushes in.
"Ahhh," Rollins exhales once he feels Murphy deep in him.
"Mmm..." Murphy closes his eyes. Rollins is just as tight as he expected.
"Fuck me," Rollins quietly orders.
Murphy doesn't need the command to start and thrusts into him. Weeks of bottoming for Seth had built up the anticipation to this moment and yet still it was far better than he expected.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Seth yells each time Murphy drills him.
He feels up Murphy's sweaty chest, pinching his pecs, which only turns Murphy on even more. All this waiting, all the thrill, Murphy was in heaven, but one thing he didn't expect to hear was:
Murphy looks over his shoulder, it's Austin Theory. Another one of Rollins's disciples. Theory recognizes Murphy and sees Seth in the sling.
Murphy looks at Rollins who realizes his love triangle has been exposed.
"You've been fucking that kid?" Murphy yells.
"Almost as much as I've been fucking him," Theory replies.
"But--" Murphy's heart sinks.
Rollins pulls himself out of the sling, his boner long gone. He throws on his pants, "Buddy, let me explain..."
Murphy doesn't want to hear it, Rollins is going to have to be careful with his words. He can't even look at him, but then he finally does, he sees Rollins chasing after Theory. "Austin, come back."
And then he hears the sound of a phone drop.
"Fuck," a voice behind the curtain says.
Murphy pulls up his pants, "Who's there?"
The figure steps out: Mitchel.
It takes Murphy a moment to recognize him, the jobber he just beat. Suddenly there's a panic running through Murphy -- did this guy not only witness him and Rollins, but film it? He runs over and grabs the phone out of his hand and smashes it on the ground.
"You didn't see nothing," Murphy warns.
"You didn't have to do that," Mitchel says, "The video is saved on my cloud."
Now powerless, Murphy's tough guy facade crumbles. "Let me--"
"I saw everything," Mitchel says.
And when he says everything, Mitchel means everything. It was a few months ago when he stumbled upon this back area and used it as a place to stretch before and after his matches. And then one week he went back there and heard Rollins and Murphy coming. He hid in the corner and saw them make out which progressed into Rollins fucking Murphy on a crate. The next week a sling was hanging and Mitchel knew what that meant. He witnessed Rollins plow deep into the Australian, watching him cum over Murphy's tits and lapping it up. Or cumming in Murphy's hole. Or having Murphy suck the load out of him. He had been as excited as Murphy was to finally see Rollins nailed, and for a few glorious minutes he did see that.

"So..." Murphy smiles, trying to put on some charm.
Mitchel wasn't going to kid himself, he was just as turned on by Murphy as he was by Rollins. But now it seemed like he was in a position to do whatever he wanted with Murphy.

Murphy was on a high. Not just from winning his match, but because of what was to come after. He made his way to the secret backstage area that Rollins showed him. Dimly lit and tucked away from everyone else, you could yell and no one would hear a thing. And boy, has Murphy yelled in that room.
Still sweating from his match, Murphy walks in and admires the sling hanging. Murphy grabs the chain, thinking of all the times he laid forward in the sling and had Rollins pound his ass into oblivion. Or the times he laid on his back and could stare at the veteran wrestler fuck the cum out of him. Fuck, he was getting hard just thinking about it. But tonight, tonight was going to be Murphy's turn to top Rollins.
Murphy turns around and his greeted by a kiss from his long haired partner. "Sorry to keep you waiting..."
Murphy chuckled. If only he knew how long he'd been waiting to have a piece of that ass. Murphy kisses him back, his hands cupping Rollin's ass through his tight black pants.
"Somebody's excited," Rollins smirks.
"You know how you excite me," Murphy replies, nipping at Rollins' bottom lip.
"Yes, you've been a very good boy," Rollins says fiddling with the lace on Murphy's pants. "I think you earned this moment."
Rollins bends down and loosens up the lace on Murphy's pants with his mouth, his lips dangerously close to his crotch. He then slides his pants down revealing Murphy's hard cock. "Very excited," Rollins observes.
Rollins gives it a slow suck, almost taunting Murphy with the foreplay. Murphy pulls him back up, "You can see I'm already to go."
Rollins nods and stares at Murphy as he slips his pants off, revealing his semi-hard cock. Without taking his eyes off Murphy's he reclines into the sling, ready to go. Murphy flips his hair back and spits on his cock. He strokes the salvia in, mixing it with the precum. He bends down and spits into Rollins's crack, watching it drip down. That should be good enough for lube. He taps his head up against Rollins's hole and then slowly pushes in.
"Ahhh," Rollins exhales once he feels Murphy deep in him.
"Mmm..." Murphy closes his eyes. Rollins is just as tight as he expected.
"Fuck me," Rollins quietly orders.
Murphy doesn't need the command to start and thrusts into him. Weeks of bottoming for Seth had built up the anticipation to this moment and yet still it was far better than he expected.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Seth yells each time Murphy drills him.
He feels up Murphy's sweaty chest, pinching his pecs, which only turns Murphy on even more. All this waiting, all the thrill, Murphy was in heaven, but one thing he didn't expect to hear was:
Murphy looks over his shoulder, it's Austin Theory. Another one of Rollins's disciples. Theory recognizes Murphy and sees Seth in the sling.
Murphy looks at Rollins who realizes his love triangle has been exposed.
"You've been fucking that kid?" Murphy yells.
"Almost as much as I've been fucking him," Theory replies.
"But--" Murphy's heart sinks.
Rollins pulls himself out of the sling, his boner long gone. He throws on his pants, "Buddy, let me explain..."
Murphy doesn't want to hear it, Rollins is going to have to be careful with his words. He can't even look at him, but then he finally does, he sees Rollins chasing after Theory. "Austin, come back."
And then he hears the sound of a phone drop.
"Fuck," a voice behind the curtain says.
Murphy pulls up his pants, "Who's there?"
The figure steps out: Mitchel.
It takes Murphy a moment to recognize him, the jobber he just beat. Suddenly there's a panic running through Murphy -- did this guy not only witness him and Rollins, but film it? He runs over and grabs the phone out of his hand and smashes it on the ground.
"You didn't see nothing," Murphy warns.
"You didn't have to do that," Mitchel says, "The video is saved on my cloud."
Now powerless, Murphy's tough guy facade crumbles. "Let me--"
"I saw everything," Mitchel says.
And when he says everything, Mitchel means everything. It was a few months ago when he stumbled upon this back area and used it as a place to stretch before and after his matches. And then one week he went back there and heard Rollins and Murphy coming. He hid in the corner and saw them make out which progressed into Rollins fucking Murphy on a crate. The next week a sling was hanging and Mitchel knew what that meant. He witnessed Rollins plow deep into the Australian, watching him cum over Murphy's tits and lapping it up. Or cumming in Murphy's hole. Or having Murphy suck the load out of him. He had been as excited as Murphy was to finally see Rollins nailed, and for a few glorious minutes he did see that.

"So..." Murphy smiles, trying to put on some charm.
Mitchel wasn't going to kid himself, he was just as turned on by Murphy as he was by Rollins. But now it seemed like he was in a position to do whatever he wanted with Murphy.
"So..." Mitchel repeats. "If you want me to erase my memories of you and Seth, you should give me a new memory that's far more satisfying."
Murphy is not surprised to hear this, but it could have been far worse. Now slightly more relaxed, he notices the pornstar looks pretty hot himself. He wasn't Seth Rollins, but he was also someone he'd be happy to bust his nut on.
The wrestler stands inches away from Mitchel and grabs the back of the head giving him a long, passionate kiss. That was a good start. Murphy gets down on his knees and plants his face in Mitchel's crotch, licking the spandex trunks, feeling the bulge tucked inside.
Mitchel slides his trunks off and waves his dick in Murphy's face. The wrestler doesn't hesitate and opens up, inhaling the dick in one swift movement.
"Ahhh..." Mitchel leans back letting his dick go deep down Murphy's throat.
The wrestler spits it out, stroking it with admiration before. He feels the warmth, the desire to thrust, and then wraps his mouth around the head and sucks tightly on it. He goes faster, sliding his lips up and down the shaft. Initially he was hoping that he could get out of this incident with just a quick blowjob, but hearing Mitchel moan and sigh, Murphy found himself to be enjoying everything and was already envisioning what more they could do.
"Okay," Mitchel pulls Murphy up by the hair.
The pornstar kisses him down his neck as his hands feel up his chest. Fuck his tits were strong. He pinched the nipples, and then lowers down to suck on them.
"Ah, fuck..." Murphy sighs, turned on by Mitchel's worship of his tits. "Suck my tits, yeah."
Mitchel switches to the left pec and swirls his tongue around it before sucking on it, squeezing so tight that if there were any milk it would be shooting out. It's hard to tell who's getting more turned on with the nipple play, but they soon find themselves backing up to the sling.
Murphy assumes the position, sitting down in it on his back. Mitchel is surprised that Murphy would open himself up to bottoming, but he wasn't going to refuse that ass. He spits on his dick and then lines it up to Murphy's hole. It's tight, but with a little push his cock slides in, making the wrestler tilt his head back with a gasp.
Mitchel leans forward, giving Murphy a sweet kiss on the lips before putting his lips next to Murphy's ear, whispering, "Don't worry this will be our little secret."
And with that Mitchel leans back and puts his hands on Murphy's waist, holding him steady as he thrusted in him. Mitchel continues with long fast strokes, Murphy's hole having loosened up. The wrestler grunts and moans, holding his erect cock in one hand, squeezing his pec with the other.
"Oh yeah, fuck me," Murphy sighs.
Mitchel keeps his rhythm steady, sliding his hands up to Murphy's chest, squeezing his tits as his dick goes in him. Murphy sees the intensity in Mitchel's eyes, it's intimidating. So Murphy closes his eyes, pretending he was being fucked by Rollins once again.
Mitchel notices Murphy fantasizing, but doesn't let that dissuade him. He carries on, stretching that hole wide open. Murphy doesn't know if it's Mitchel or the fact that he's fantasizing about Rollins, but he feels waves of pleasure ripple though his body. Mitchel has found his prostate and continues nailing it again and again, making the wrestler bite his lips to keep from screaming like a baby. Mitchel keeps going on, knowing that Murphy is struggling to keep his sanity from the insane tingling he was feeling. But Mitchel didn't want it to end so soon, and not like this, so he slows down and helps Murphy out the sling.
"Here, let's get--"
Before Mitchel can figure out where he wants Murphy, the wrestler comes up behind him and shoves his dick in his ass.
"Ahhh!" Mitchel shrieks as the burning sensation ripples through him, before subsiding.
"Yeah, you like my dick in you?" Murphy says, surprised himself with his sudden aggression.
"Oh yeah, Buddy, fuck me. Fuck me like I'm Seth."
"Oh yeah, Buddy, fuck me. Fuck me like I'm Seth."
Murphy rubs his hands in little circles on Mitchel's ass as the pornstar adjusts to the wrestler being in him. And then with a consenting nod, Murphy begins pounding him.
"Ahhh..." Mitchel moans.
Murphy keeps going, motivated by the sounds of pleasure he was hearing from the pornstar. His balls slap up against the pornstar's ass, echoing in the hidden room, drowning out Mitchel's quiet moans.He slides his hands up on Mitchel's shoulders to hold him steady and closes his eyes, imagining he was fucking Rollins.
"Aww, fuck," Murphy grunts.
Mitchel can feel the anger in Murphy's fucks, but goes along with it, I mean, with the way Murphy was pounding him there was no reason to complain. Still, he couldn't help but feel not much more than a fleshlight to Murphy.
"Uhhh uhhh," Mitchel breathes heavily.
Murphy's hands rub up and down Mitchel's chest, spreading his sweat all over his body. He opens his eyes, remembering it wasn't Rollins he was fucking, but his opponent from his match moments ago. Now a fresh anger comes through his fucks, knowing that he's not Rollins. As he continues pounding away, Mitchel's legs begin shaking. He leans up against a crate that's covered with a blanket for support, but eventually gives up and gets up on it on all fours.
Murphy follows him on the crate, sitting on his knees he positions his dick aimed right at the hole. And then Mitchel leans back, slowly sliding down the cock until he feels Murphy's pubes tickle his ass. He twerks on the dick, giving Murphy a welcome break from fucking. The wrestler no longer feels the need to close his eyes and pretend he's still with Rollins, Mitchel was doing the job well enough on his own.
"Fuck yeah," Murphy groans, "Keep riding that dick."
Mitchel smiles and obeys the wrestler's order. Murphy enjoys it, but still has the itch to keep fucking. Finally he can't take it anymore and pushes his dick deep into the pornstar making him grunt. He climbs up on top of him, his chest rubbing against Mitchel's back and humps away. Both men breathe slowly as the sound of their skin smacking together fills the space.
"Uh uhhh uhh," Mitchel whimpers.
Murphy could cum right there and then, but he wanted to ensure Mitchel was ready. He wasn't fearful of the tapes being released anymore, no he wanted to make sure his partner was satisfied for satisfaction's sake.
"Roll over," Murphy says, needing a moment to keep himself from cumming.
Mitchel rolls on his back, pulling his legs up with both hands. Murphy crawls in between the legs and gets his dick back in him, leaning forward so their bodies rub against each others.
"Ah, fuck," Mitchel gets surprisingly high pitched. There's something about Murphy's sweating chest sliding up against his body that just elevates everything to another level.
"Fuck yeah," Murphy grunts as he jackhammers the pornstar. He's surprised when Mitchel doesn't make any noise besides his breathing. Impressive that the pornstar could take such a drilling.
Mitchel doesn't take his eyes off the wrestler. It was like they were both in a trance, and neither one of them wanted to wake.
"Mmm..." Murphy moans. He can feel it coming in him. He keeps going faster, shaking the crate with the force he's using. Mitchel can sense Murphy's climax approaching and pinches the wrestler's pecs.
"Fuck," Murphy twitches, getting even closer. "I'm gonna breed you."
He keeps going, hard, deliberate penetrations that culminate with an animalistic howl as he cums. Mitchel feels Murphy's load explode in him, spreading throughout. And almost simultaneously, Mitchel's body convulses as his load shoots out, a string of cum landing on his stomach.
"OH FUCK," Murphy yells excited to see them climax at the same time.
The wrestler, sweatier than ever, collapses on top of the pornstar, giving him a kiss between breaths.
Mitchel feels the cum leak out of his hole. He pants heavily, still feeling the blood rush through his body. Murphy leans back off of the pornstar and slides off the crate. Mitchel takes his time sitting up.
"So..." Murphy says.
"Don't worry your secret is safe with me." Mitchel says, easing his mind.
Murphy nods, relieved that the videos won't see the light of day. He gathers his things and heads to the shower. Mitchel remains on the crate enjoying the moment. The silence. The smell of Murphy.
Then he hears a noise. Over in the shadows Rollins emerges.
"Buddy..." Seth comes closer and realizes it's Mitchel. "Oh."
Mitchel stands up and walks over to Rollins. He gives him a kiss and then whispers in his ear, "You're next."
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