Jackson is the longtime performer who is primarily known for topping, but has expanded his versatility to show off his bottoming skills in recent years. It's a damn good thing too, because the 5'10, 190 lb pornstar knows how to perform regardless of the position he's in. Crews is the 6'1, 240 lb wrestling hunk who has some of the best muscles in the business. Earlier this year he got a big rebrand, debuting his Nigerian royalty gimmick complete with an accent. The fresh angle paid off as he won the International Championship at Wrestlemania.
Jackson stands in his corner mouth agape as he watches Crews strut to the ring with his bodyguard Azeez in tow. When the wrestler enters the ring Jackson can't look him in the eyes, too impressed with all the muscles he's packing. The bell rings and Jackson tries to focus, but still he's in awe of the physique on display. Crews recognizes Jackson's thirst and flexes both his biceps for him. Jackson realizes what he did and snaps back into it, circling around as he remembers this is just a match. Crews comes at him first, hitting a blow to the head, Jackson counters with a punch, but Cres ducks it and then leaps up and hits an enzuigiri to Jackson's head, the pornstar falls to his knees. Crews picks him up and holds him above his head with a military press -- if Jackson likes his muscles so much, he shouldn't mind this. He slams him down hard and walks to the corner where he flexes again. But Jackson can't see it, he's staring at the ceiling trying to see how long he can remain there before getting to his feet. He feels embarrassed that his attraction to Crews is what caused him to sign up for this match, thinking it'd be like a gymnastics routine and fun to be manhandled by such a beefcake, but this fucking hurt. He could at least take solace in knowing it is a squash match and it'd soon be over.
Crews turns back, surprised to see Jackson still laying there on ring. He helps Jackson up to his feet and tosses him into the ropes. The pornstar rebounds back, ducking a clothesline attempt and bounces off the opposite ropes. This time Crews opens his arms and hits him with a scoop powerslam. Jackson remains down hoping Crews will cover him, but instead Crews picks him up by the head and gets him standing again. The wrestler slaps him hard across the chest, surely leaving a mark. Jackson hunches forward wincing in pain, but Crews grabs him to keep him from going too far and smacks him again. Jackson screams out as that blow was harder than the first. Crews then takes him by the wrist and whips Jackson into the corner turnbuckles hard. Before his back smacks them the wrestler charges after him and leaps up with a bodysplash, smushing him. Crews takes a few steps back and Jackson stumbles away, reaching for the ropes for support, but Crews tugs at his waistband, pulling him back toward him. He hoists Jackson up and hits him with a German suplex, holding on to him. Jackson can feel Crews's groin rub against his butt and wonders what's going on, but he's soon hoisted back over Crews again for another German suplex. Crews holds on to him still and hits him with a third one, releasing him from his grip afterwards. The pornstar rolls around in pain, escaping under the ropes to outside the ring.
Lightheaded, Jackson struggles to breathe, rubbing his sore back -- so many things are going on he doesn't even pay attention to Crews, who has come to the edge of the ring. Just as Jackson sees him the wrestler leaps off with a moonsault and squashes the pornstar on to the mats below. Jackson feels every pound of the athlete on top of him, and he swears he can feel Crews's package not only rub against him through their trunks by grind into him. The fleeting moment passes as Crews grabs Jackson by the head and throws him back into the ring. Crews then climbs to the top turnbuckle and just as Jackson stands back up he floats through the air with a diving crossbody, once again landing on top of the performer. He stays on top of him for the pin -- one, two-- Jackson punches out in time.
Crews takes a minute to strut around the ring and catch his breath, allowing Jackson some time to get back on his feet. Waiting for the moment that Crews's back is towards him, the pornstar bursts at him, but Crews is fast and spins around and lifts Jackson up with a spinebuster. Again, he waits for Crews to cover him, but Crews stands above him and then leaps up with a standing moonsault, colliding with him again. Crews hooks both the legs for the pin. This is it Jackson thinks, relieved for the pain to conclude, but after the two count Crews pulls Jackson up -- what?
Crews has a big grin on his face knowing he's in complete control of the match. Now Jackson feels certain that those moments during their match where he felt Crews rubbing against him were intentional and not some part of a fantasy. Crews rubs his hands up Jackson's body to his head and then pulls him up his feet into a bear hug. Jackson is too tired to even scream out, the pain too much to process. But still being in Crews's arms, smelling his sweat, Jackson gets hard, and now it's his erection rubbing against Crews's body.
"I see you have some fight in you," Crews whispers in his ear.
Jackson moans in response. "Come on, hit me," Crews says.
Jackson finds the strength and punches Crews in the head, the second time gets Crews to release him, dropping Jackson down on his back. Crews stomps on him and then sees that Jackson really is spent. So Crews lifts him up and hits him with the Chariot, the spinout powerbomb leaves the entire ring quaking in its aftermath. He looks at the sweaty and beaten Jackson and folds his legs up to his shoulders going for the pin. One. Two. Three.
Jackson sighs, finally, hearing the bell ring announcing Crews's victory. Crews stands over him raising his hands up high, almost like he's waiting for Jackson to get back up, but instead the pornstar rolls out of the ring and hurries to the back, eager to have this night behind him.
Jackson isn't sure what happened in the ring, but he can't help but feel that he disappointed Crews with their match. So back in the locker room, he hurries in the shower and races back to his locker to get dressed -- but he's too slow. Just as he slips on his bikini Commander Azeez marches into the locker room.
The guard points at Jackson in case there is any confusion. Jackson freezes, completely paralyzed that he can't even open his mouth.
"Crews wants to see you, now."
Ready for what? Crews pulls Jackson off the counter moving him behind him. The wrestler then waves his ass for Jackson answering the unasked question. Another surprise from Crews. The pornstar pushes his dick in between his cheeks and finds Crews's hole. He presses his head on it, circling it around, building up the desire and then pushes in.
"Ohhh..." Crews moans with approval. "More."
Jackson pushes his entire cock into him and then rubs his hands up and down the wrestler's sides allowing him to adjust. He can feel how tight Crews is and realizes now that this indeed is a honor. He then places his hands just above Crews's ass and begins twisting his hips slowly, gradually building up his momentum. Jackson fucks quietly, preferring to let their bodies and breathing make the noise. Crews is noisier, wanting Jackson to hear exactly what he is doing to him.
Jackson isn't sure what happened in the ring, but he can't help but feel that he disappointed Crews with their match. So back in the locker room, he hurries in the shower and races back to his locker to get dressed -- but he's too slow. Just as he slips on his bikini Commander Azeez marches into the locker room.
The guard points at Jackson in case there is any confusion. Jackson freezes, completely paralyzed that he can't even open his mouth.
"Crews wants to see you, now."
Still sore from the match, Jackson figures it's not worth putting up a fight. So he shrugs and follows Azeez. As they wander through the arena hallways Jackson assumes they're going to a vehicle to be taken back to Crews's hotel room, but instead they go up some stairs and arrive at a box suite overlooking the ring. Once Jackson steps in Azeez leaves, closing the door behind him. The pornstar is now confused as to what's happening, especially since Crews is sitting out watching the match going on. Should he say something? Sit next to him?
Crews begins clapping loudly and rises, turning his attention to Jackson. There's a hungry look in his eyes as he approaches the pornstar. He steps right up to him, still maintaining his Nigerian royalty aura, "Welcome."
Crews grabs Jackson's ass with both hands, squeezing it hard, pulling Jackson's body into his. The wrestler's hands slide under the bikini, rubbing his smooth cheeks softly before giving them another squeeze, like he's trying to determine if fruit is ripe. Crews is breathing heavy and Jackson can feel his heart beating -- is the Nigerian royalty nervous? The wrestler nibbles on Jackson's neck, making him sigh. Crews's hands, still under the bikini, slide around to Jackson's groin, feeling the performer's cock. He grips it hard, and a quick run down the length confirms that the photos he's seen don't lie about the length. "That's it, very nice," he says as he slides Jackson's bikini down to his feet.
Crews then hugs him, only to lift him up on to the counter. The wrestler, remaining on the floor, bends over and starts sucking on Jackson's cock, taking as much in as he can. He gags a little, but doesn't stop, and when he pulls the dick out he abruptly jerks it with his hands until his lips are wrapped around it once again.
Jackson grips the edge of the counter in awe of the athlete going down on him. He enjoys feeling Crews's beard rub up against his thighs as he bobs his head ferociously. Jackson definitely didn't expect this enthusiasm out of Crews. He had figured if Crews was going to give him head it would have been an obligatory reciprocation, but the athlete's excitement is genuine. He doesn't know how much time passes before the wrestler finally pulls the dick out of his throat, still lost in the satisfaction that Crews had given him.
"I think you're ready..." Crews says, jerking him some more.Ready for what? Crews pulls Jackson off the counter moving him behind him. The wrestler then waves his ass for Jackson answering the unasked question. Another surprise from Crews. The pornstar pushes his dick in between his cheeks and finds Crews's hole. He presses his head on it, circling it around, building up the desire and then pushes in.
"Ohhh..." Crews moans with approval. "More."
Jackson pushes his entire cock into him and then rubs his hands up and down the wrestler's sides allowing him to adjust. He can feel how tight Crews is and realizes now that this indeed is a honor. He then places his hands just above Crews's ass and begins twisting his hips slowly, gradually building up his momentum. Jackson fucks quietly, preferring to let their bodies and breathing make the noise. Crews is noisier, wanting Jackson to hear exactly what he is doing to him.
"Yes, harder, uhhhh, that's it!"
The pornstar takes Crews's hips as he pumps harder, faster into him. Even with the new rhythm established, Crews moans with each penetration, encouraging the pornstar to keep it up. Jackson's body soon becomes coated in a nice layer of sweat as he drives his dick into him again and again.
The pornstar takes Crews's hips as he pumps harder, faster into him. Even with the new rhythm established, Crews moans with each penetration, encouraging the pornstar to keep it up. Jackson's body soon becomes coated in a nice layer of sweat as he drives his dick into him again and again.
"Uhh uhhh uhh, yeah," Crews begins to wobble so Jackson places his hands on the wrestler's shoulders to hold him still, or still enough.
He slams his hips against the flesh of that meaty ass, the sight of it bouncing with each thrust mesmerizing the pornstar. He's had his share of asses, but Crews's rivaled even his own. And the way Crews clenches around his dick, it is like the wrestler's ass is seemingly insatiable. As Jackson slows back down to avoid tiring himself out completely he feels Crews pushing his ass back towards the dick.
"Ohhh..." Jackson whimpers in surprise.
"Oh yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," Jackson whispers.
Crews slides Jackson's left leg off his shoulder, angling his dick up, brushing it against the pornstar's prostate. He can see the spark that jolts through the bottom's body and keeps going without Jackson even having to say a word. He rubs his hands up and down Jackson's smooth skin, equally impressed with the performer's physique. It doesn't take too much longer for Crews to feel his climax approaching. He squeezes Jackson tighter, as if that could prolong the experience. When that doesn't work he yells out, cursing for the moment to not end. And then his whole body shakes, so much that Crews collapses on top of Jackson, his cock spasming, as he empties his cum inside him. Jackson wraps his arms around the sweaty athlete, feeling the jerking of his muscles as he cums. Crews takes a deep breath and exhales, his heart slowing down as his orgasm finally subsides. He drags his cock out of the abused hole, but Jackson stops him.
"Yeah, take that ass," Crews smiles.
He keeps pushing back, impaling himself on that dick, letting it rub against his prostate again and again. Soon Crews's cries drown everything out, "Fuck me, fuck me good..."
He keeps pushing back, impaling himself on that dick, letting it rub against his prostate again and again. Soon Crews's cries drown everything out, "Fuck me, fuck me good..."
Jackson struggles to stay upright as Crews continues pushing back into him. He focuses on his breathing, and finds some balance, but when Crews holds that dick deep in his ass and then grinds, the mind-blowing action causes Jackson to stumble back in amazement.
"My ass too much for you?" Crews laughs. Jackson blushes, not wanting to admit defeat. "Well, have you ever given Royalty head?" Crews asks.
Jackson shakes his head, "But there's a first time for everything."
The pornstar drops to his knees, impressed with just how thick Crews is up close. He runs his tongue along the smooth skin of the head and then stretches his jaw and takes it in. He immediately tastes salty precum, which helps the cock slide further down his throat. It easily fills his mouth, making him nearly gag, his eyes watering, but he breathes calmly through his nose and fights back his urges. He quickly builds up a nice rhythm, cupping the athlete's balls in his hands, occasionally glancing up and seeing the wrestler close his eyes, sighing with pleasure.
Then Crews's eyes open and he flashes an impressed grin. He's not used to men being able to take his cock all at once, usually requiring them to work their way up. This all but confirms his feeling about Jackson. He pinches his pecs so turned on by hearing the slobbering noises beneath him. He feels Jacksons's nose press into his abdomen - he can't remember the last time someone deep throated him like this. The pornstar slides the dick out, salvia smeared across his face, eyes on the brink of watering.
"Good job. Now I think it's time for you to experience some royalty."
Crews plops himself on the couch, legs spread up, his dick slicked and ready to go. Jackson follows him, straddling on top with Crews's massive thighs in between his legs. He kisses Crews as he sinks down on the cock, moaning into the wrestler's mouth.
"Ahhhh..." Jackson leans back, breathing in and out heavily.
Crews's hands return to their favorite place, on Jackson's ass cheeks. He plays with him, pulling them apart and slapping them together, as the pornstar rides him. It's at this moment that Crews really feels like royalty: the intense stare in Jackson's eyes, the smile on his face from which the quiet sighs escape, the gorgeous body dripping sweat on to him -- how could he not feel like a king sitting on a throne?
Jackson holds Crews deep inside him and gyrates, allowing the dick to hit him from every angle. As much as Jackson liked being bent over and fucked, there is something about riding cock, being in another man's arms and yet still in control of the pace that he always favored. He places his hands on Crews's chest, pinching his nipples, rubbing the muscles, worshipping him as he gives him a couple rolls of his ass before resuming bobbing up and down the shaft.
"Ahhh, fuck yeah," Crews moans with approval.
He feels the precum leaking out of Jackson, dripping down on to his body, mixing with his sweat. His hands shift back to cup his ass, clutching it so hard that Jackson knows he’ll have fingernail marks there for the rest of the night. He then begins to thrust up into the pornstar. Jackson's eyes light up with delight and soon Crews mirrors Jackson's rhythm, thrusting up to meet the pornstar's downward slams and gripping his hips tightly for purchase. Fueled by lust and egged on by the cheers of the arena which Crews pretends are for him, the pace is fiendish. Their bodies collide, moans mixing together, Jackson's eyes fluttering like he's in a trance state. And then Crews wraps his arms around Jackson, keeping him pressed down on his dick as he stands up, carrying the pornstar with him. Crews thrusts into Jackson a few times, making the pornstar gasp sharply as the display of strength heightens the effects of the penetration. Satisfied, Crews sets Jackson on the table, taking the pornstar's legs and setting his ankles on his shoulders as he lines his dick back up and pushes it back into the pulsing hole.
"Ahhhh... yeah," Crews chuckles slightly before he begins thrusting, somehow he's more nervous than Jackson.
He's slow at first, as he's used to men needing to stretch a bit to be able to take his dick from this angle, even after riding him, and the last thing he wants is to see Jackson wince in pain and ruin the mood. But Jackson, ever so professional, handles Crews's cock without even a flinch, allowing the wrestler to pick up his pace settling on a rhythm that causes Jackson to softly moan and whine. Still Jackson appreciates Crews's caution - most men who've had the chance to fuck him are too eager to be this considerate.
"My ass too much for you?" Crews laughs. Jackson blushes, not wanting to admit defeat. "Well, have you ever given Royalty head?" Crews asks.
Jackson shakes his head, "But there's a first time for everything."
The pornstar drops to his knees, impressed with just how thick Crews is up close. He runs his tongue along the smooth skin of the head and then stretches his jaw and takes it in. He immediately tastes salty precum, which helps the cock slide further down his throat. It easily fills his mouth, making him nearly gag, his eyes watering, but he breathes calmly through his nose and fights back his urges. He quickly builds up a nice rhythm, cupping the athlete's balls in his hands, occasionally glancing up and seeing the wrestler close his eyes, sighing with pleasure.
Then Crews's eyes open and he flashes an impressed grin. He's not used to men being able to take his cock all at once, usually requiring them to work their way up. This all but confirms his feeling about Jackson. He pinches his pecs so turned on by hearing the slobbering noises beneath him. He feels Jacksons's nose press into his abdomen - he can't remember the last time someone deep throated him like this. The pornstar slides the dick out, salvia smeared across his face, eyes on the brink of watering.
"Good job. Now I think it's time for you to experience some royalty."
Crews plops himself on the couch, legs spread up, his dick slicked and ready to go. Jackson follows him, straddling on top with Crews's massive thighs in between his legs. He kisses Crews as he sinks down on the cock, moaning into the wrestler's mouth.
"Ahhhh..." Jackson leans back, breathing in and out heavily.
Crews's hands return to their favorite place, on Jackson's ass cheeks. He plays with him, pulling them apart and slapping them together, as the pornstar rides him. It's at this moment that Crews really feels like royalty: the intense stare in Jackson's eyes, the smile on his face from which the quiet sighs escape, the gorgeous body dripping sweat on to him -- how could he not feel like a king sitting on a throne?
Jackson holds Crews deep inside him and gyrates, allowing the dick to hit him from every angle. As much as Jackson liked being bent over and fucked, there is something about riding cock, being in another man's arms and yet still in control of the pace that he always favored. He places his hands on Crews's chest, pinching his nipples, rubbing the muscles, worshipping him as he gives him a couple rolls of his ass before resuming bobbing up and down the shaft.
"Ahhh, fuck yeah," Crews moans with approval.
He feels the precum leaking out of Jackson, dripping down on to his body, mixing with his sweat. His hands shift back to cup his ass, clutching it so hard that Jackson knows he’ll have fingernail marks there for the rest of the night. He then begins to thrust up into the pornstar. Jackson's eyes light up with delight and soon Crews mirrors Jackson's rhythm, thrusting up to meet the pornstar's downward slams and gripping his hips tightly for purchase. Fueled by lust and egged on by the cheers of the arena which Crews pretends are for him, the pace is fiendish. Their bodies collide, moans mixing together, Jackson's eyes fluttering like he's in a trance state. And then Crews wraps his arms around Jackson, keeping him pressed down on his dick as he stands up, carrying the pornstar with him. Crews thrusts into Jackson a few times, making the pornstar gasp sharply as the display of strength heightens the effects of the penetration. Satisfied, Crews sets Jackson on the table, taking the pornstar's legs and setting his ankles on his shoulders as he lines his dick back up and pushes it back into the pulsing hole.
"Ahhhh... yeah," Crews chuckles slightly before he begins thrusting, somehow he's more nervous than Jackson.
He's slow at first, as he's used to men needing to stretch a bit to be able to take his dick from this angle, even after riding him, and the last thing he wants is to see Jackson wince in pain and ruin the mood. But Jackson, ever so professional, handles Crews's cock without even a flinch, allowing the wrestler to pick up his pace settling on a rhythm that causes Jackson to softly moan and whine. Still Jackson appreciates Crews's caution - most men who've had the chance to fuck him are too eager to be this considerate.
"Ahhh yeah," Jackson gasps again and again as they go.
Crews chuckles again; the silent top, not so silent as a bottom. Using that as a cue to speed up and be a bit rougher, Crews has it, causing Jackson's breath to hitch again. As the thrusts hit deeper, Jackson's body begins to shake and more sounds in his throat slip out, husky and raw. “Oh God… Right there! Right there!”
He can't take his eyes off Crews's impeccable body as he plows into him. As Crews grinds into him the wrestler makes his pecs bounce, a sight that turns Jackson on even more than he could have imagined. And it's at this moment, the way that Crews seems to have read his mind, that has Jackson questioning everything. He walked into the suite thinking that this is nothing more than a secret hookup, a release from the lust that built up during their match, but now he wonders if there's something more between them.Crews chuckles again; the silent top, not so silent as a bottom. Using that as a cue to speed up and be a bit rougher, Crews has it, causing Jackson's breath to hitch again. As the thrusts hit deeper, Jackson's body begins to shake and more sounds in his throat slip out, husky and raw. “Oh God… Right there! Right there!”
"Oh yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," Jackson whispers.
Crews slides Jackson's left leg off his shoulder, angling his dick up, brushing it against the pornstar's prostate. He can see the spark that jolts through the bottom's body and keeps going without Jackson even having to say a word. He rubs his hands up and down Jackson's smooth skin, equally impressed with the performer's physique. It doesn't take too much longer for Crews to feel his climax approaching. He squeezes Jackson tighter, as if that could prolong the experience. When that doesn't work he yells out, cursing for the moment to not end. And then his whole body shakes, so much that Crews collapses on top of Jackson, his cock spasming, as he empties his cum inside him. Jackson wraps his arms around the sweaty athlete, feeling the jerking of his muscles as he cums. Crews takes a deep breath and exhales, his heart slowing down as his orgasm finally subsides. He drags his cock out of the abused hole, but Jackson stops him.
"Stay in me while I cum."
Crews's dick has softened, but he pushes it back in. The pornstar tilts his head back and sighs, his hole clenching around the cock. He feels Crews's grip around his own dick, squeezing it hard, twisting as he goes up and down the shaft. Jackson puts his hands on Crews's chest, his orgasm building up inside.
"Ahhh, ahhh," his whimpers as his body tenses up.
And with a big exhale his white load gushes out, spraying his abdomen with his seed. Crews's hand gets a nice splash of cum too, which he takes to his mouth and licks clean. Jackson still rocks his body back and forth on Crews's sensitive dick, prolonging his orgasm, making his entire body shudder. It proves to be too much for the wrestler, who steps back, removing the dam that prevented his load from escaping the pornstar's hole, allowing it to leak out of him.
"Fuck, that was, wow..." Jackson stammers still shaking from the experience.
Crew marvels at his handiwork and picks Jackson up off the table, setting him back down on the floor. He wraps his arms around, pulling him close - but it isn't an embrace, it's to emphasize his threat:
"If word gets out about this it will be very bad for me," Crews says. "But it will be worse for you. You understand?"
Jackson feels stupid thinking that their chemistry was a sign of what could be something more. Still he nods, the rush he felt from his climax now all but gone.
"Good. But as an incentive for your cooperation, you can come back to my suite every night."
"Ahhh, ahhh," his whimpers as his body tenses up.
And with a big exhale his white load gushes out, spraying his abdomen with his seed. Crews's hand gets a nice splash of cum too, which he takes to his mouth and licks clean. Jackson still rocks his body back and forth on Crews's sensitive dick, prolonging his orgasm, making his entire body shudder. It proves to be too much for the wrestler, who steps back, removing the dam that prevented his load from escaping the pornstar's hole, allowing it to leak out of him.
"Fuck, that was, wow..." Jackson stammers still shaking from the experience.
Crew marvels at his handiwork and picks Jackson up off the table, setting him back down on the floor. He wraps his arms around, pulling him close - but it isn't an embrace, it's to emphasize his threat:
"If word gets out about this it will be very bad for me," Crews says. "But it will be worse for you. You understand?"
Jackson feels stupid thinking that their chemistry was a sign of what could be something more. Still he nods, the rush he felt from his climax now all but gone.
"Good. But as an incentive for your cooperation, you can come back to my suite every night."
Jackson steps away from the wrestler. He's comfortable being a whore for guys from time to time, and Crews wouldn't be the first guy he hooked up who expressed the need for discretion, but it's all too much when there are actual threats involved. "So let me get this straight, you want me to be your secret little sex slave?"
Crews flinches, not expecting any pushback. "In Nigeria--"
"We're not in Nigeria."
"We're not in Nigeria."
"I can lose my standing--" Crews grabs Jackson's wrist, keeping him from walking away.
"Listen, this rendezvous can be our little secret, you don't have to worry about it."
Jackson shakes his wrist free from Crews's grasp and begins to put on his bikini.
Jackson shakes his wrist free from Crews's grasp and begins to put on his bikini.
"But I won't be seeing you again?"
Jackson looks at Crews, the despair in his eyes, truly torn about how to proceed. As good as Crews's dick (and ass) was, he knows he has to stay his ground. He doesn't say anything and heads to the door. He takes his time, hoping Crews will shout "Wait!" or "Stop!" but there's nothing. And so Crews remains, alone in his suite, proud Nigerian royalty.
Jackson looks at Crews, the despair in his eyes, truly torn about how to proceed. As good as Crews's dick (and ass) was, he knows he has to stay his ground. He doesn't say anything and heads to the door. He takes his time, hoping Crews will shout "Wait!" or "Stop!" but there's nothing. And so Crews remains, alone in his suite, proud Nigerian royalty.
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